Wife massaged wif

Wife massaged wife

Wife massaged wife - massage

To our delight, more and more women are also discovering the experience of a sensual erotic massage or a tantric massage. Put away any fears of contact and entrust yourself to our experienced masseuses for a tantric massage for women.

In a detailed preliminary discussion, they will advise you on a tantric massage from woman to woman. They fully respond to your wishes, needs and concerns. You yourself determine at any time how far you want to go from woman to woman during a tantric massage.

The masseuses take their time for you and your individual wishes.

In principle, all massages from the range of masseuses are bookable for women.

Permanent rent + masseuse = price:
60 min.
€ 160
90 min.
€ 210
120 min.
€ 260
Online booking